Crofting Law Group seek new members
15 December 2010
Brian Inkster attended the Crofting Law Group AGM at The Scotsman Hotel in Edinburgh on 3 December 2010 in his capacity as Hon Secretary of the Crofting Law Group.
The Chairman of the Crofting Law Group, Sir Crispin Agnew of Lochnaw QC, made a plea in his annual Report for new and younger members to join the Group.

Sir Crispin said: "Membership is all important and while it is always very good to see old friends at Crofting Law Group events, we need to recruit a new and younger generation to join the Crofting Law Group drawn from lawyers, land agents, crofters and landlords. We also now have two student members: Martin Minton (Glasgow University) and Alasdair Peterson (Edinburgh University). We welcome them and hope that more student members will join the Group. I would encourage all members to try and recruit at least one new and young member to the Group so that we can take forward the group activities with greater confidence in the future."
Membership of the Group is open to anyone who has an interest in the subject of Crofting Law. The Group hold a Conference in association with the WS Society each year and produce a regular Newsletter. The annual subscription is £20 per individual or £40 per firm or practice. The annual student subscription is £5. For more information about the Group or to join contact the Hon Secretary, Brian Inkster, on 0141 229 0880 or e-mail Brian. Information can also be found on the Group's website:
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