Hats off to our 2014 Christmas winners
15 December 2015
Last Christmas the theme for our Christmas Hats was #hatsoffinksters with us celebrating our achievements over the past year and asking you to tweet your 2014 achievements and, of course, the obligatory hat photo! It was, as usual, a competition with prizes for the best hat photos.
The 2014 prize winners can now be revealed. There are four prize winners this year.
Mr & Mrs Gardens entered into the #hatsoffinksters theme. They produced images reflecting their 2014 achievements which were: celebrating their first year of trading, growing Victoria Cross poppy & completing @CIHort mentoring.
Paul Cruikshank also entered into the #hatsoffinksters theme with a series of pictures on his 2014 achievements: graduating from Glasgow University with an LL.B.; elected Constituency Chair of his local political party; and marked out his own wee corner of the Internet, inspired by Brian Inkster.
Ewan Kennedy's 2014 achievement was reopening Alex Reid's Beaux Arts gallery after 82 years as Leiper Fine Art.

So if you follow the instructions on the hats you will stand more chance of winning a prize! However, as usual we did get a great selection of hat pictures without following the theme. We picked as our favourite from those an image from the Glasgow School of Art by Alan Horn as we entered 2015.
All four winners will be receiving in the post today a bottle of Inksters Christmas Hats Champagne to celebrate their achievements. Hats off to them all!
All 2014 entries can be seen at www.inksterschristmashats.com. We shall very shorty be announcing details of the 2015 hat competition and revealing the 2015 hat design and theme.
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