Inksters continues to innovate in the use of I.T.
14 June 2011

Inksters continues to be a leader and innovator in the use of IT. This afternoon Kathleen Simmonds conducted her first court hearing by video conference.
Kathleen, who assists Gus Macaulay in the litigation department at Inksters office in Glasgow, appeared before the Sheriff in Lerwick in a special link set up and facilitated by the Scottish Court Service. Kathleen said "the hearing went without a hitch and I was able to speak and see the Sheriff in Lerwick and the other agent who was located in Inverness.
The use of video conference may not be suitable for all types of court hearings but it worked very well in today's circumstances." The use of video conference will mean that our clients can be represented by us regardless of their remote location, thus, providing a better service for clients and potentially a significant financial saving.
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