Inksters launch dedicated Crofting Law Blog
19 March 2013
Inksters today launched a dedicated Crofting Law Blog.
Over the past three weeks we have posted eleven crofting law related news items on Most of these relate to the crofting law debacle created by the Crofting Commission when they suddenly announced that they were no longer processing applications to decroft made by owner-occupier crofters. That matter remains unresolved with a statement awaited from the Scottish Government on what it is going to do about it. Their action, to date, has not been as decisive as the U-Turn they recently took on the question of the Raasay crofters and their sporting rights.
Brian Inkster said “Crofting law appears to be in turmoil in a way that it has possibly not been seen since it was introduced in 1886. The time is surely ripe for a crofting law blog to air the issues arising in an open, clear and transparent way.”
Inksters Crofting Law Blog can be found at