Christmas Holidays, Hats and Big Winter Raffle
24 December 2016
This year our offices are closed for the Christmas/New Year holiday period from 5pm on Thursday 22 December 2016, with us reopening at 9am on Wednesday 4 January 2017.
This Christmas we are supporting the British Heart Foundation.
Our colleague Claire Maguire suffered a shock heart attack in 2013 and then the sudden loss of her mum from a heart attack just before Christmas last year. We lost a great friend and business associate, Sir Brian Middleton, from a heart attack in October.
So we've been moved to fundraise for British Heart Foundation (BHF) Scotland and host two raffles with fantastic prizes. For more on the raffle and how to enter see:
Our Christmas Hats this year announced the raffle and are red in keeping with the BHF branding.
We'd love to see your inksters hat photos so find someone or something close to your heart and share your snaps with #inksterschristmashats. It is, once more, a competition with prizes for the best hat photos.
The 2015 prize winners can now be revealed. First prize goes to Martine and Dominique from France who entered into the #inkstersteahats theme (given our partnership last year with Tchai Ovna House of Tea). They produced a series of three tea themed pictures:-
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Martine and Dominique are regular Inksters Christmas Hats competition winners - they always put in a real effort associated with the relevant theme. Always a good idea to read the instructions on the hat if you want to be in with a chance of winning a prize!
The runners up are:-
Stephen @50gibbs who took our #'inkstersteahats to Crystal Cove in Barbados in April 2016 for a cup of tea. Again such international endeavours post Christmas are often recognised with a prize! This is why our competition remains open all year - you never know where and when someone will take their Inksters Christmas Hat and post a picture.

... and the #29ers of 29 Studios for this great Team tea drinking pic:-
All the prize winners will be getting some Inksters Tchai Ovna Select Tea sent to them in the New Year.
So get your thinking hats on and see if you can take a winning photo in the 2016 competition. It runs throughout 2017 with the winners being announced in December 2017. If you haven't received a hat and would like one please Contact Inksters with your name and address and we will post one out to you (subject to availability as not many left now!).
Entries can be seen at (once Tumblr manage to give us access to update the site again - we await a password reset!)
Merry Christmas!
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