Valuable Content Marketing Book Launch
29 July 2015
Earlier this month Brian Inkster was in Bristol for the launch of the second edition of the Valuable Content Marketing Book by Sharon Tanton and Sonja Jefferson.
Inksters feature as a case study in the book for how valuable content gets us found by customers searching the web for our niche services. Inksters did, of course, win a Valuable Content Award in 2012. This is an excerpt from the book:-
"Forward-thinking Scottish law firm Inksters Solicitors attracts new clients from the web. They have turned their website into a valuable resource for people looking for their services, putting their years of legal knowledge online. Their marketing focuses on creating and sharing valuable content in each of their niche areas and it’s an approach that is getting them found.
One of their specialities is crofting law. Go to their website and you’ll see pages of useful information, articles, videos, case studies, even lectures given on the subject. They also have a separate dedicated crofting law blog. Search engines love all this niche content and reward Inksters with high page rankings, so if someone with a legal issue types in ‘crofting law’ Inksters website and/or blog appears right at the top.
Even in a traditional profession such as law, valuable content works. It gets Inksters found on the web, turns visitors into new clients (20 per cent of new business came from direct web search last year) and motivates even more referrals too."
The book launch was a good opprtunity to meet fellow valuable content producers and the after party at the Lion Tavern was fun!
Learn more about the book and buy it via Valuable Content Marketing Book.
Terri Lucas, Paul Hajek and Brian Inkster.
Valuable Content Marketing Book Launch Party - Spike Island, Bristol.
Sharon Tanton signs the Valuable Content Marketing Book with John Beckley, Anna Wilson, Sonja Jefferson and Lizzie Everard at The Lion Tavern.
Valuable Content Marketing after party at The Lion Tavern.
Brian Inkster at the Valuable Content Marketing after party at The Lion Tavern.
Pop! Sharon Tanton, John Beckley and Lizzie Everard at The Lion Tavern. Some browsers don't appear to show embeded Vine Videos. If you can't see this one then try this link instead: Vine - Valuable Content Marketing Book Launch.
NB: Main banner image, crowd scence and last two images on this page are © John Beckley. Sharon Tanton signing the book image and the Vine video is © Brian Inkster. All other images are © Barbara Evripidou.
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