media140 Scotland Round Up
21 June 2010
Last Thursday the first media140 Scotland event took place at the CCA in Glasgow. Inksters were very pleased to be associated with the event as one of the sponsors along with d8digital, The Big Partnership, the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, moviecomTV and 29studios. Brian Inkster and Louise King attended media140 Scotland to hear the three speakers: Pat Kane, Trey Pennington and Steve Berry.
In his introduction our host, Mark Jennings, made reference to people often believing that Twitter was only used for announcing the fact that you had eaten a cheese sandwich for lunch. We at Inksters must admit to tweeting about having ice cream in the office during the recent heat wave. However, like Mark and the three speakers, we know that social media has real business benefits. This was brought out in the talks.
Over the past few days there has been a lot of coverage of the event so we thought we would provide a round up of these for you.
Fellow sponsors, 29studios and, filmed the event. Coverage was streamed live and the recorded footage is available at Vimeo. Here is the sizzle reel for you:-
media140 Scotland Sizzle reel from media140 on Vimeo.
29studios also highlight a few defining quotes of the evening on their blog.
Official photographs of the event by Gary Bonar can be found at his MobileMe Gallery.
There are also photos by We are Snook and photos by Trey Pennington.
Ande Gregson of media140 highlights the fact that Mark Jennings purposely wanted participants to have the ‘ability to learn from the person sitting next to you’ as part of the event experience.
Mike McGrail provides a report of the event at his Social Penguin blog drawing out the key points from each talk and finishing off with a competition to win a media140 T-shirt.
Katie Anderson blogs on media140 Scotland and puts out a plea to the organisers to have female speakers at the next event.
Kim McAllister on her Impact Online Blog looks at US v UK social media - Trey Pennington's take. Apparently, when it comes to events, Americans, in general, are more concerned with the wifi connection, while the Brits are all about the content. We were certainly interested in the content rather than the wifi connection on Thursday night.
George Julian was not at the event but kept an eye on proceedings via Twitter. Her blog post on social media and peer review wonders what the context was for the certain parts of the discussion that she picked up on and whether she is "barking up a very large, scottish tree ;)".
Pate Kane, the first of the three speakers, provides his "thoughts on Intimacy vs Extimacy, the public display of character, and social media" over at The Play Ethic Blog.
After the event Trey Pennington tweeted out links to a couple of items he referred to in his talk:-
Olivier Blanchard's Basics Of Social Media Return on Investment and How to handle negative reviews on blogs by Trey himself.
Whilst mentioning Trey we have, of course, already done a piece on Syncronicity, Trey Pennington and media140 Scotland.
You can also see all the tweets from before, after, and during the event via Ultra knowledge. Not to mention the top tweeters on the night. There is also a Hashtag notebook for #media140 on Twapper Keeper.
If we have missed out any blog posts or other resources on media140 Scotland please let us know and we will gladly add them in.
We will leave you with an image of the splendid media140 Scotland venue: the CCA. Designed by our friends at Page \ Park with Brian Inkster's wife, Nicola Walls, having had a hand in it. More syncronicity at work!
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